Resonate! Yemen and Holool foundation implemented the “Ersod” project during the early presidential elections held in Yemen on 21st February 2012. The project aimed at ensuring a more participatory and inclusive political scene in Yemen through achieving the following objectives:
- Engaging youth in the elections process by training 1000 youth election monitors and deploying them in a randomly selected sample of election centers in the Capital Secretariat, Taiz, Aden, Hudeidah and Ibb governorates.
- Engaging citizens across Yemen in reporting election day incidents by establishing a citizen reporting channel between the public and the Supreme Committee for Elections & Referendums (SCER) using SMS technology.
- Building and testing the technology infrastructure required to deploy SMS election monitoring in Yemen.
- Providing seasonal employment opportunities for Yemeni youth as election monitors.
-Serving as a pilot project to test these new concepts on a smaller scale during the Presidential elections in order to use the lessons learned from this pilot project in launching a nation-wide Youth Election Monitoring project during the Parliamentary elections at the end of the transitional period.

Engaging youth in the elections process "Ersod"

Start at

February, 2012

End at

April 9th, 2012



Training of trainers for 50 youth in supervisory operation procedures and oversight training skills in cooperation with the Democratic Institute of International Affairs (NED).
Training 250 young people to monitor the conduct of the electoral process
• Involving young people in monitoring the early presidential elections.

Youth and women